Study on intraspecific hybrid of tenebrio molitor l 黄粉虫种内杂交初步研究
Analysis and removing methods of the defensive substance benzoquinone in tenebrio molitor 黄粉虫防卫物质苯醌的测定及其去除
Its technology is purely natural tenebrio molitor as raw materials undergo a rigorous complicated, and sterilization and baking processed 其工艺是以纯天然高蛋白黄粉虫为原料经过严格的排杂、灭菌、烘焙等加工而成。
The learning behavior of scleroderma sichuanensis xiao fed on the fictitious hosts tenebrio molitor l . in the process of host foraging was studied using y-tube olfactometer 摘要采用y型嗅觉仪进行双向选择实验,研究了用替代寄主黄粉虫蛹繁殖的川硬皮肿腿蜂寄主搜索过程中的学习行为。
The radicle growth of oryza sativa was inhibited totally when the concentration of ethanol extract was or higher than 10gdw . ml-1 . the corrective mortalities of acheta domestica and tenebrio molitor were higher than 50 % when the two extracts concentration exceeded 40gdw . ml-1, thereinto corrective mortality of t . molitor was 96.67 % under the effect of 40 and 80gdw . ml-1 瑞香狼毒叶石油醚和乙醇提取物的浓度大于40mg?ml~(-1)时,对家蟋蟀和黄粉虫毒杀作用的校正死亡率均高于50,其中瑞香狼毒叶乙醇提取物浓度为40和80mg?ml~(-1)时,黄粉虫的校正死亡率最高,达到96
Is toxic to tenebrio molitor l . . the homological cry3aa gene was modified according to the characters of poplus genes and the other features of eukaryotic gene, and was artificially synthesized . the original and modified homological c / y3aa gene were cloned into binary vector pb121 and pbin438 respectively, and transplanted into 84k clone ( p . tomentos x p . glandulossa ) to breed new anti-insects tree species 通过对氨基酸密码子的偏好、使用频率、多聚腺苷酸信号序列(ppss)、mrna不稳定序列(dst)以及kozak等结构的优化改造,人工设计、合成了预期能在杨树中高效表达的毒蛋白基因modifiedcry3aa同源基因;(4)利用强启动子表达载体pet30-b完成了cry3aa同源基因在大肠杆菌中的表达。